Sunday, November 29, 2009

Prince Charles of Wales

On July 26, 1964 , Clementine Paddleford's article  "Royal recipes" featured Alma McKee, chef for the Royal Family. One section of the article is subtitled "Charles loved meat balls."

Paddleford wrote:
"Prince Charles was about three when Mrs. McKee arrived on the scene as chef. She worked in a starched white overall and Prince Charles called her 'The Lady in White.' It was a nickname that caught on with the press. Mrs. McKee has never believed that nursery meals need be dull and she went to great trouble to please the young prince. He fell in love with her meat balls made from chicken or veal, sometimes rabbit. 'At that time,' Mrs. McKee notes, 'Prince Charles loved using the house telephone, much to the confusion of the office staff. He would frequently call the kitchen and order the meat balls for dinner.'"

McKee was from Sweden and in Sweden the meat balls are called Frikadeller.
Here is the recipe:
  • 1/2 pound raw chicken
  • 6 tablespoons bread crumbs
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/2 pound raw veal
  • 1 1/2 cups light cream
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon sugar
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon
  • 5 cups boiling chicken or veal stock
  • 2 tablespoons flour
Put meats through grinder 3 times. Moisten bread crumbs with a little of the cream and add to meat. Stirring all the time, gradually add remaining cream and eggs. Blend in salt, sugar, pepper and lemon juice. Chill for 2 hours. Roll into balls or sausage shaped. Drop balls into boiling stock and boil for 15 minutes. Thicken stock with flour. Yield: 6 portions.

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